(AL-3010/LP-obi, LTD 200 copies/コジマ録音)
まぎれこんだところに それは見付け出された
惑星の廻る速さは 幻像の声となって まぎれ込んでくるのだ
そこからぬけ出た時 銀色の衣なくして 生きられない
まぎれ込んだところ 時間の穴/ 鈴木昭男
Dedicated to the late Mr. Kusuo Shimizu,
owner of the Minami Gallery
It was found where it strayed
Speed of the revolving planet
Mixes in, voice of illusion
if it leaves
Without the gaments of silver
It can live no longer
where it wonders
A hole in time
by Akio Suzuki
from the catalogue of “One-man Show”
held at the Minami Gallery in 1976
Translated by Noriko Maehata
Recorded from the Performance of “New Sence of Hearing”
at Nagoya American Center on October 5th, 1979
SideA: Poetry of Sound
Using three portable record players, voice and sound instruments,
two or three records of each kind recorded at the Holland Festival
are played at alternating times in relation to the other elements.
SideB: ANALAPOS(1979)
Improvisation with the original sound instruments, Analapos, which
are drums incorporating long coil springs on both ends. On this
side, the transitional part of the performance is recorded where
Analapos for voice is switched to Analapos on stands, Various
tones are played by using hands and sticks.
帯付/ ジャケット:全体観良,裏皺スジ目立箇所/
盤:良/ 解説(英)裏記載/ 25万円